Product Description of the Dynabrade 73276 DMF 500 40 Micron, 100/Pack
Dynabrade 73276 DMF 500 40 Micron
Microfinishing and Lapping Films / Rolls for use on Dynabrade Superfinisher / Sheets for hand use
MICROFINISHING FILM For stock removal operations & intermediate finishes, or when required surface roughness is within certain limits
LAPPING FILM For finer finishes when the required surface roughness is very low
APPLICATIONS Microabrasives are used for superfinishing and lapping applications, usually on a Superfinisher machine but also on
specific machines for peculiar applications (e.g. superfinishing and lapping of camshafts and crankshafts)
- Minerals commonly used are aluminum oxide (for general purpose applications on metals and hard plastics) and silicon carbide
(for applications on soft plastics and rubber)
- Microfinishing and lapping films are also available with synthetic diamond mineral, for superfinishing and lapping applications on
very hard materials like ceramic coatings, hard steel alloys, or hard chrome coatings
TARGET MARKETS AOEM, General Industry, Plasma Coated Material Refining
The Dynabrade 73276 DMF 500 40 Micron, 100/Pack is a Miscellaneous with a size of and a vacuum type of Non-Vacuum. The Dynabrade 73276 DMF 500 40 Micron, 100/Pack can be fitted to the category/categories and can be purchased directly from us. If you have any queries with regards to the Dynabrade 73276 DMF 500 40 Micron, 100/Pack please do not hesitate in contacting us on the number above, email or start a web chat.
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Dynabrade Parts
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